This is a gallery of my landscapes and seascapes. From the start of my painting journey, I’ve been drawn to abstract what was in front of me. As time marched on, I progressed, learned more, played more and just had fun with abstracting the heck out of reality. And that is my style. These paintings are pretty much as representational as I ever get.

Cats On A Fence Sold Giclees available

Lone Pine on Okanagan Lake 20" x 16" SOLD

Contemplation 24" x 18" Oil on Canvas CURRENTY IN EXHIBITION

Tranquility 16" x 20 SOLD

Sunrise Over The Valley 24" x 36" Oil On Canvas SOLD

Lone Sentinel 20" x 16" Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

'Shelter from the Storm' Acrylic & Mix. Media on Wooden cradleboard 20" x 20" SOLD

Dreamscape 10.5" x 9" Acrylic on Paper NFS

Far and Away Acrylic/ Mixed Media on paper Mounted on Cradleboard SOLD

Distant Shores 12" x 12" Acrylic on Paper SOLD

The Grotto 30" x 24" SOLD

Arctic Sunrise 9" x 7.5" Acrylic on Paper SOLD

Homeward Bound- a Diptych Acrylic on two 24" x 12" canvases. Framed. $800/set. Currently in exhibition-contact me if interested

Full Moon over The Channel 14" x 11" Acrylic and Mix media on Canvas SOLD

After The Storm 9" x 12" SOLD

'Ships in the Night' 12" x 12" Acrylic on Wooden cradleboard C$250 ((currently in exhibition-contact me if interested))

Never Far From Home 28" x 22" Acrylic & Mixed Media on canvas C$850

Sunrise on the Island 14" x 11". Acrylic on Canvas $230.00 SOLD

'Strawberry Fields forever' 9.5" x 9.5" Acrylic on paper Mounted on Cradleboard $150